Evac EcoTrap
22 abril, 2022
Evac EcoTreat
22 abril, 2022Evac WASYS
Categorías: Cathelco Evac, Potable water treatment systems
Evac WASYS Potable water treatment system
We offer a wide range of freshwater conditioning units to complete your onboard water treatment systems. Our units can be used to monitor, adjust, and control the following parameters:
- Free chlorine
- pH
- Hardness/Alkalinity
- Redox potential
- Conductivity
- LSI (Langelier Saturation Index)
Our highly sophisticated water treatment systems produce high-quality potable water that meets all relevant regulations, including those from the WHO and USPH.
- Disinfection by chlorination or UV
- pH adjustment by acid/base dosing
- Hardness adjustment by mineralization
- Catalyst dosing at mineralization with acid or carbon dioxide
- Softening with mineralization
- Produced water treatment
- Bunker water treatment
- Distribution water treatment
- Distant point measurement
- Softening filter systems
- AC-drain water treatment
- De-copperizing filter systems
- Laundry water treatment
- pH adjustment for technical water
- UV systems
Produced water (reverse osmosis and evaporator) treatment plant consisting of mineralizing filter system and dosing system for chlorine, pH, and hardness adjustment and control.